about PMBrokerage & Consulting:

A Beverage Marketing Company

New Orleans is know for it’s spirit, and more recently known for bringing craft and boutique into the beverage industry.  New Orleans is still a relatively small city in comparison, but remains a city impossible to ignore.  Given the nature of the industry, brands need a face in the market to showcase craft products, and familiarize the community with their excellence.  

Phil Minissale started working in beverage sales in 2013, quickly establishing himself as a sales director for a New Orleans Rum company.  There, he managed 8 different markets, facilitating relationships with distributors, media, and account buyers across the country.

Minissale decided to open up his own Brokerage & Consulting company in late 2016, considering the demand for dedicated, shared craft representation within the industry.  

The sole purpose is to provide brands the attention necessary throughout the market, without the costs associated to a full-time representative.   Minissale’s relationships extend through multiple markets outside of Louisiana, include Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.

Click the Bio Page for more about Phil's journey or click here to learn about Phil’s latest project, In Your Home Spirit Education Events!!!